Utopian fiction

The Nation magazine has just run an issue devoted to utopia: The Nation Here’s from one piece: The genre of utopian fiction, born of frustration during periods of thwarted promise, is a uniquely sensitive barometer

Billionaires in space is not very solarpunk: Musk, Bezos and Branson fueled by big egos in space race Branson, Bezos, Musk: The billionaire space race but what’s in it for us? | US News |

Here’s a great selection of books for the coming weeks – as recommended by the Restart Project people – which looks pretty Solarpunk: Fungi, AI, degrowth and disruption: our summer reading list – The Restart

An experimental spacecraft has set sail in space. LightSail 2, developed by space advocacy group The Planetary Society, has unfurled a solar sail and begun harnessing sunlight to propel itself through space. The craft was launched on 25

The Craftivist

Fast fashion has become a dirty term in an era when consumerism is facing up to its environmental impact. But the problem is not just the price tags, mass production and disposable nature of the clothing – but