These times are proving a challenge to many of us – but it is becoming increasingly clear that we need to be taking these times as an opportunity to transition to something better, on both a personal and a wider level.
We are very grateful to have received the following guest post from blogger Tina Martin of Ideaspired – who is very much about inspiration and following ones own dreams and ideas.
Much of this piece is very much part of the Solar Punk ethos – of positivity, of transition to a better future, of practical steps to get there and of being firmly rooted.
Have a read – and be inspiried!
How To Turn Major Life Transitions Into a Fresh Start

The great thing about going through a major life transition is you can use it to make positive changes in your life. Not all transitions are pleasant, but you can take the opportunity to chase things that bring you happiness. Consider this brief guide to finding a fresh start after a significant change in life.
Start Making Healthier Choices
Start prioritizing your physical and mental health. If you haven’t given much attention to your diet, start thinking about what it’s lacking and how you can improve your nutrition. Update your exercise routine to soak up those endorphins you get from being active. Remember to prioritize health over appearance when making changes. Weight loss goals can become unhealthy when you obsess over how you look more than how you feel.
Consider a Career Change
A career is a dominant part of your life. When you find yourself unhappy in yours, it can have a profound effect on your overall wellness. When your career becomes toxic, consider making a change. Update your resume and make it look professional. And by editing your PDF online, you make adjustments by simply uploading the file. Then download it after it looks exactly how you want it and begin sharing it.
If you want something more drastic, such as moving to an entirely new industry, consider going back to school. You can find online programs that allow you to work while you complete your degree. Do your research before choosing a program to ensure you find a career path that interests you.
Weed Out the Toxic Relationships
Consider distancing yourself from people who bring negativity to your life. For example, if you have a fair-weather friend who consistently complains about everything, slowly start sending calls to voicemail or saying no to meeting up. If you see a significant change in your mood without them around, it may be time to let go of that relationship. If you love your job, but there are people in the office that bring you down or cause drama, it may be time to talk to HR or consider a new job.
Find a Productive Hobby
Hobbies are a great way to practice self-care and add positivity to your life. You can have as many as you want and delegate your time to them as you please without feeling pressure. If you want a hobby that will benefit your life in multiple ways, think about taking up gardening. It allows you much-needed time in the sun and gives you the opportunity to enhance your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables.
Find a Way To Give Back
Giving back to your community allows you to help others while you help yourself. Get involved with local groups like VGS that are organizing around causes you believe in or start your own cause. Look for areas in your neighborhood that need improvement and figure out how you can help. Talk to your local government and ask for suggestions or go online to search for charities in need of volunteers. Research shows that giving back can add years to life through mental and physical health benefits.
As you navigate changes, remember that it’s natural to feel nervous and apprehensive. However, if you weed on the toxic energy and surround yourself with positivity, you’ll find it easier to stay on track. Don’t forget to treat yourself with kindness when you meet obstacles.
Photo: Mary Walden-Till, Sidmouth SolarPunk