“A just and sustainable world is possible”

Posted on November 7, 2022Comments Off on “A just and sustainable world is possible”

Some positive visions for COP 27:

Do you believe in climate solutions? You just might be a solarpunk.

There are people all over the world who believe a just and sustainable world is possible. Maybe you’re one of them. Oh, the details of how that world works will vary according to our individual priorities and values, not to mention the physical and political climate of where we live. But we share the same vision: a future in which we’ve tackled the environmental and social justice issues of our time in a way that brings humanity, nature, and technology into harmony. We dream of green, community-centered cities; of high-tech, ethical farms; of pollution-free skies and plastic-free oceans. We dream of a world of abundance and inclusion, with equitable resource distribution and flattened hierarchies. We know we can’t achieve this by following the same path we’ve been walking; we must work together to blaze a new and better trail.

We are artists and writers and musicians. We are activists and community organizers and urban planners. We are architects and scientists and engineers. We are gardeners and gamers and makers.

We are the solarpunks. You might be one, too…

Do you believe in climate solutions? You just might be a solarpunk. | Fix

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