AI and SolarPunk

Posted on May 28, 2023Comments Off on AI and SolarPunk

AI could fit very well into a SolarPunk future:

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to play a significant role in helping to create a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future. In a solarpunk future, society has adopted environmentally sustainable technologies and practices. AI could be used in several ways to support this transition…

By optimizing resource use and helping predict and respond to environmental challenges, AI could help create a brighter and more sustainable future for all.

AI in a Solarpunk Future. Artificial intelligence (AI) has the… | by Case Muller | Age of Awareness | Medium

SolarPunk is very much about the intersection of art and technology:

Glass Robot From A Solarpunk Future | Hackaday

But there are also concerns:

We recognize that there is a lot of positive potential for human societies in the development and use of artificial intelligence. We also recognize that there is a lot of justifiable concern over AI and the plagiarizing of human art and literary works, as well as the potential of AI being used to displace paying jobs for human artists and authors… Solarpunk Magazine is and remains a venue for human authors and artists to showcase their work. As such, until further notice, we’ve implemented a strict new policy on submissions using artificial intelligence: We do not accept any work created or altered by artificial intelligence programs such as, but not limited to, Midjourney and ChatGPT.

Solarpunk Magazine AI Policy

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