At the COP26, the point was made that we could build a better world with wood: “
Across the country there are vast amounts of land available which are suitable for carefully managed woodlands”
The Case For Home Grown Timber Homes – Sidmouth Solarpunk

CE Center – Wood and Evolving Codes: The 2018 IBC and Emerging Wood Technologies
Because we need need to be using alternatives to our current favourite building materials:
Creative alternatives to cement – Sidmouth Solarpunk
And, yes, it seems we can build a better world with wood:
Building in wood: building in low-carbon building materials – Vision Group for Sidmouth
As told on Radio 4’s series “discovering fresh ideas and new ways to approach our relationship with nature”:
From the emotional balm of a walk in the woods to the first wooden skyscrapers, Tom Heap and Helen Czerski ask if we can replace a world of concrete and steel with a wooden utopia. Will the Wood Age be healthier for us and for the planet? Michael Ramage of Cambridge University explains how the development of Cross-Laminated Timber makes it possible to build pretty much any building with wood while Tim Searchinger of Princeton University argues that turning forests into construction material has a high carbon cost for the planet.
Rare Earth – Can We Build a Better World with Wood? – BBC Sounds
It goes much further than wood, however:
The renaissance of hemp architecture – Vision Group for Sidmouth
The Dezeen guide to biomaterials in architecture, design and interiors