Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors

Posted on February 4, 2023Comments Off on Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors

The SolarPunk movement began as a literary movement – and it’s going decidedly mainstream.

This is on the New York Times recommended reading list this week:

AFTERGLOW: Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors, edited by Grist. (The New Press, paperback, $16.99.) Drawing from literary movements like Afrofuturism, hopepunk and solarpunk, this collection of 12 short stories approaches climate change with hope for the radically different futures humans might create.

Newly Published, From Climate Fiction to a Lost Congolese Princess – The New York Times

With more glowing reviews here:

Afterglow: Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors

Afterglow by Grist, Adrienne Maree Brown | Waterstones

Here’s the title story – where you can also listen:

Afterglow | Fix

This story is part of Imagine 2200: Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors, a climate-fiction contest from Fix. Learn more about the power of imagination in Fix’s Climate Fiction Issue.

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