Solarpunk is an international phenomeon

Posted on December 6, 2022Comments Off on Solarpunk is an international phenomeon

There is huge interest in Solarpunk across the world: it is not just confined to the Anglosphere: there are lots of ideas and projects happening everywhere…

Germany: Das Science-Fiction-Genre Solarpunk zeichnet Zukünfte, in denen Menschen im Einklang mit der Natur leben – auch mit Hilfe grüner Technologien, die heute schon existieren… The science fiction genre Solarpunk draws futures in which people live in harmony with nature – also with the help of green technologies that already exist today. Solarglas, Solardecken, Solarkleidung: Design für unsere Solarpunk-Zukunft! – Magazin – 1E9

Italy: SINOFUTURISM AND SOLARPUNK NEW CURRENTS Sinofuturismo e Solarpunk correnti nuove – La Stampa

Poland: Paul Ngei, technology researcher and popularizer of solarpunk, is interviewed Paweł Ngei, haker, aktywista klimatyczny: Mam dość Iron Mana, Batmana, Elona Muska. Czekam na serial o wikipedystach

Brazil: Nos últimos meses, tenho me debruçado sobre o subgênero da ficção científica solarpunk. Aqui no Brasil, já em 2013, tivemos a publicação de uma das primeiras coletâneas de contos do gênero, sob o título “Solarpunk – Histórias ecológicas e fantásticas em um mundo sustentável”. Isso resume bastante o que o subgênero vem a propor: histórias de um futuro mais ecológico, sustentável e positivo… In recent months, I’ve been dwelling on the sub-genre of science fiction solarpunk. Here in Brazil, already in 2013, we had the publication of one of the first short story collections of the genre, under the title “Solarpunk – Ecological and fantastic stories in a sustainable world”. This pretty much sums up what the sub-genre comes to propose: stories of a more ecological, sustainable and positive future… Muito além das smart cities verdejantes, solarpunk também pode ser sombrio – 29/04/2021 – UOL TAB

Spain: solarpunk (un movimiento literario y cultural en donde se propone un futuro optimista para la humanidad utilizando energías renovables)  solarpunk (a literary and cultural movement that proposes an optimistic future for humanity using renewable energies) Crítica de “Un Mundo Extraño”, una derivativa fábula solarpunk sobre sustentabilidad – La Estatuilla

Germany: In dieser Woche hatten wir zwei, wie ich finde, besondere Artikel für euch. @Michael hat recherchiert, wie realistisch eine der zentralen Vorstellungen aus dem Science-Fiction-Genre des Solarpunks schon heute ist – nämlich, dass wir fast immer und überall sauberen Strom erzeugen. Dabei ist er auf viele spannende Konzepte gestoßen, an denen Wissenschaftler, Designerinnen oder Start-ups arbeiten: von gläsernen Solarpaneelen, über Kleidung, die Sonnenstrom erzeugt, bis zu Solarrucksäcken. Außerdem hat er Produkte aufgespürt, die ganz bewusst reparierbar gestaltet wurden. Auch das gehört zu unserer Solarpunk-Zukunft. This week we had two, I think, special articles for you. @Michael researched how realistic one of the central ideas from the science fiction genre of solarpunk already is today – namely, that we generate clean electricity almost always and everywhere. In the process, he came across many exciting concepts that scientists, designers, or startups are working on: from glass solar panels, to clothing that generates solar power, to solar backpacks. He has also tracked down products that have been deliberately designed to be repairable. That, too, is part of our solar punk future. Das 1E9_Update vom 23.11.2022 // Design für Solarpunks, ein Riesenroboter und eine Geschenkidee! – Community / Newsletter – 1E9

Indonesia: A white furry beast is floating on a thin chunk of ice. In all its confusion the mammal stares blankly into the water and wonders where all the seal have gone. We are already familiar with this image. Your next-door environmental activist may have posted it, or you stumbled upon the animal on a meme site a few years back. But who could have cared for a creature stranded thousands of kilometers away? Could solar punk be our hope against climate apocalypse? – Academia – The Jakarta Post

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