Solarpunk Snippets

Solarpunk Snippets

One of the biggest issues around ‘sustainability’ is how to get us all on board – not only with what it means  but also with how we can change the way we do things. This

Solarpunk Snippets

Eco new towns

There are lots of inspiring ‘eco new towns’ – including Louvain-la-Neuve in Belgium: The new town of Ottignies Louvain-la-Neuve reflects the modern trend of ‘greening’ urban areas. The use of cars is limited or even

Solarpunk Snippets

Solarpunk Snippets

Solarpunk Snippets

Solarpunk Snippets

Solarpunk Snippets

At the COP26, the point was made that we could build a better world with wood: “ Across the country there are vast amounts of land available which are suitable for carefully managed woodlands” The Case

Solarpunk Snippets

So many visions of the future are dystopian – but it doesn’t have to be that way: How to progress from eco-anxiety to eco-action – Climate Awareness Partnership Sidmouth It’s so important to help younger

Solarpunk Snippets

We need alternatives to cement: As demonstrated in the Chatham House report, while cement (an essential element for concrete manufacturing) is extremely detrimental to the greenhouse effect and climate crisis –representing about 8% of global CO2