Solarpunk: technology ‘blending with the environment’

Posted on May 5, 2024Comments Off on Solarpunk: technology ‘blending with the environment’

“Friendlier, softer, more human design might be having a moment…”

And this is being said by more and more techies and designers:

Solarpunk and the new technological optimism – Sidmouth Solarpunk

‘What if nature and technology could meet and create a wonderful world?’ – Sidmouth Solarpunk

How about this for softer design – Singapore’s Gardens by the Bay:

“Imagine having our technologies built in harmony with nature…” – Sidmouth Solarpunk

Tech magazine The Verge is getting excited about solarpunk – as is a leading tech company in the US:

Cyberpunk is out and solarpunk is in, according to Figma’s CEO – The Verge

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