Solarpunk Snippets

“Right now a sizable chunk of us are addicted to the end of the world in every medium, from video games to what we’re streaming on our smart TV. Black Mirror; The Walking Dead; Love,

Solarpunk Snippets

Solarpunk and Web3

Some are looking to a new form of digital communication: “Web3 (also known as Web 3.0[1][2][3]) is an idea for a new iteration of the World Wide Web which incorporates concepts such as decentralization, blockchain technologies, and token-based economics.[4] Some technologists and

Solarpunk Snippets

Solarpunk Snippets

Here’s an interesting place for ideas and initiatives – which looks very much Solarpunk: Hi, welcome to HubbubIf you’re looking for inspiration and practical actions that are good for you and the environment, you’ve come

Solarpunk Snippets

There’s growing interest and engagement with solarpunk. Here’s a pick from the last couple of months coverage: Amid rising climate anxiety and an intensifying climate crisis, solarpunk offers an unapologetically optimistic vision of the future

Solarpunk Snippets

Solarpunk Snippets

london design festival

DESIGN + SUSTAINABILITY = SOLARPUNK DESIGN + SUSTAINABILITY = LONDON DESIGN FESTIVAL Some great online events if you’d like to join the festival in just over a week’s time: London Design Festival 2022 – Design

Solarpunk Snippets

Here’s an excerpt from a very inspiring piece on “how to SolarPunk society”: Let’s first get a sense of where solarpunk design can be located. Is it grassroots, city-level, or even a national project and

Solarpunk Snippets

Solarpunk Snippets

The ‘circular economy’ is all about using the resources we have rather than just throwing them away. Here’s a great set of pieces from the SolarPunk Station: Circular Economy | Solarpunk Station With a few