Solarpunk Snippets

Suddenly, everyone’s talking NBSs… Firstly, a definition, a video and a couple of examples: “Nature-based solutions are sustainable planning, design, environmental management and engineering practices that weave natural features or processes into the built environment

Solarpunk Snippets

… there won’t be enough room for food production if we continue to rely solely on traditional methods and horizontal farms. In the face of this gloomy prognosis, the good news is that this green

Solarpunk Snippets

“Today, we’re going to dive into the visions of Solarpunk, uncovering what it is, what it looks like, and how exactly it can be implemented right now to construct a radical eco and human-centric present.”

Solarpunk Snippets

A really inspiring bunch of people in neighbouring Somerset: (16) Onion Collective CIC (@OnionCollective) / Twitter And they have just seen their labours bear fruit: Watchet’s East Quay development opens after eight years of planning

Solarpunk Snippets

Solarpunk Snippets

Solarpunk Snippets

Solarpunk Snippets

Solarpunk Snippets

Mrs Crocombe

This Victorian cook has been a real sensation since lockdown: How to Cook Sea Kale with Melted Butter Sauce — The Victorian Way – YouTube With a couple of comments from a local correspondent: “It

Solarpunk Snippets

Today a correspondent has got in touch, saying: “There’s no such thing as a “neutral” environment: your built environment is either helping you, or it’s hurting you.” Which is indeed what everyone’s saying: Whether it’s